Now showing items 1-10 of 165
Carbono almacenado en la biomasa de las especies comerciales de un bosque de colina baja en la quebrada Tapaje, distrito de Mazán, Loreto. 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2021)
The biomass and the carbon stock in the commercial species of a low-hill forest of the Mazán district, Loreto, Peru were quantified. The data from the forest census of commercial species of the operational plan (PO) 1 of ...
Determinación del incremento del volumen de madera y mortandad de diversas especies forestales en el área del proyecto de manejo forestal de la comunidad nativa Santa Mercedes - Rosa Panduro Putumayo - Loreto - 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2022)
This research work was carried out in the native community of Santa Mercedes in the permanent sampling plot of the forest management area, with the objective of determining the increase in the volume of wood and the structure ...
Evaluación potencial maderable y valoración económica del bosque de colinas bajas suavemente accidentada de la zona de Buen Jardín, distrito del Yavarí. Región Loreto 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2020)
The study was carried out in the gently hilly low hills forest [BCbI] of the Buen Jardín Yavari District - Loreto Region. The objectives were to record the potential or floristic composition of commercial timber species ...
Cuantificación de la biomasa y del carbono almacenado en las especies comerciales de un bosque de colina baja del distrito de Jenaro Herrera, Loreto 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2021)
The biomass and the carbon stock in the commercial species of a low-hill forest of Jenaro Herrera, Loreto, Peru, were quantified. The inventory data of the forest concession for timber purposes N° 16-LOR-REQ / PER-FMC-2020-018 ...
Determinación del stock maderable de un bosque aluvial inundable de la comunidad nativa Santa Isabel de Copal, distrito de Trompeteros, Loreto Perú. 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2022)
The research was carried out in the forests of the native community "Santa Isabel de Copal" located in the Loreto region. The main objective was to provide qualitative, quantitative, economic information and uses of ...
Relación entre diámetro y la altura de dos especies forestales de las familias Anacardiaceae y Sapotaceae del arboretum "El Huayo" del CIEFOR Puerto Almendra, Loreto, 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2022)
The study was carried out at the "El Huayo" Arboretum of CIEFOR Puerto Almendra - FCF - UNAP, San Juan Bautista district, Maynas province, Loreto region. The objective was to define the height-diameter relationship in two ...
El aprovechamiento forestal en las concesiones forestales de la región Loreto y su aporte al desarrollo sostenible en la provincia de Maynas, región Loreto - 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2023)
This study was carried out in Loreto region, in order to identify the contribution of forest concessions to sustainable development in Maynas province, Loreto region, 2021. From the obtained results, the extraction of raw ...
Estudio germinativo de Euterpe precatoria Mart. Huasaí en camas almacigueras aplicando diferentes tratamientos pre-germinativos, San Juan Bautista, Loreto-Perú
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2003)
The study was carried out at the facilities of the Puerto Almendra Forestry Research and Education Center of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, located on the right bank of the Nanay River, 22 km south-west ...
Almacenamiento de carbono y producción de oxígeno en plantaciones de Cedrelinda cateniformis de diferentes edades, en Puerto Almendra, Iquitos-Perú, 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2023)
The study was carried out in the plantations of 14, 25 ,41, 42 and 51 years of Cedrelinga cateniformis "tornillo", located in the Forestry Research and Teaching Center (CIEFOR) Puerto Almendra of the Faculty of Forestry ...
Predicción de la relación diámetro-altura total de Ocotea aciphylla (Nees) Mez. Según tamaño de muestra en bosque natural. Puerto Almendra, Loreto, Perú, 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2023)
The research was developed at the Faculty of Forest Sciences - UNAP, in San Juan Bautista, Maynas, Loreto. Its objective was to determine the prediction of the total diameter-height relationship in Ocotea aciphylla (Nees) ...