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dc.contributor.advisorVílchez Alcalá, Luis Alberto
dc.contributor.authorGuzmán García, Luis Alberto
dc.contributor.authorMurrieta Romayna, Margarita Emperatriz
dc.description.abstractLa automedicación es un tipo de conducta que implica tomar medicamentos según la propia iniciativa del paciente, por consejo de un familiar, técnico sanitario o de cualquier persona no médica. Son muchos los factores que influyen en este tipo de conducta, destacando los factores sociales como la presión de grupo o de nuestros propios familiares que nos ofrecen una alternativa para la solución de nuestros problemas de salud basados en su propia experiencia. También influye el bajo nivel de instrucción de personas especialmente de los padres de familia, los cuales ignoran por completo el riesgo que implica la automedicación .Dentro de los factores económicos que influyen en la automedicación destacan el desempleo, las malas condiciones de trabajo y de vida de la mayoría de la población y sobre todo el bajo ingreso económico familiar que no les permite acceder a los servicios de salud lo cual se traduce en la falta de prescripción por un profesional capacitado .Dentro de los factores culturales influyen la falta de acceso y escasa disponibilidad de información lo que permite a las empresas farmacéuticas difundir información sesgada que incita a la población al consumo de fármacos supuestamente muy seguros, esto además se aúna a la deficiente educación sanitaria con la que contamos y aspecto social-familiar que permita mejorar los conocimientos sobre el uso racional del medicamento . Objetivo. Determinar los Factores que Influyen en la automedicación en personas adultos en los Cuatro Centros Poblados de la Cuenca Media del Río Nanay – Distrito San Juan Baustista , 2010. Metodología. En el presente trabajo de investigación, se utilizó método Cualitativo y Cuantitativo y un tipo de diseño Descriptivo, Prospectivo, Correlacional y Transversal porque nos ha permitido determinar los factores que influyen en la Automedicación.es_PE
dc.description.abstractThe self-medication is a behavior type that implies to take medications according to the patient's own initiative, for a relative's advice, sanitary technician or of any person non doctor. They are many the factors that influence in this behavior type, highlighting the social factors as the group pressure or of our own relatives that offer us an alternative for the solution of our problems of health based on their own experience. It also influences especially the first floor level of people's instruction of the family parents, which ignore the risk that implies the self-medication .Dentro of the economic factors that influence in the self-medication completely highlight the unemployment, the bad work conditions and of life of most of the population and mainly the first floor economic family entrance that doesn't allow them to consent to the services of health that which is translated in the prescription lack by an enabled professional .Dentro of the cultural factors influences the access lack and scarce readiness of information what allows to the pharmaceutical companies to diffuse slanted information that it incites the population to the consumption of supposedly very sure fármacos, this is also joined to the sanitary faulty education with which we count and social-family aspect that allows to improve the knowledge on the rational use of the medication. Objective. To determine the Factors that Influence in the self-medication in people adults in the Four Populated Centers of Half Cuenca of the River Nanay. District San Juan Baustista, 2010. Methodology. Presently investigation work, you uses Qualitative and Quantitative method and a type of Descriptive, Prospective design, Correlacional and Traverse because it has allowed us to determine the factors that influence in the Selfmedication. Main Discoveries.You determines the factors that influence in the self-medication in mature 320 people 20 years old to 59 years of age, both sexes and they were found that the self-medication that one carries out in the 4 rural centers was bigger in the residents of Llanchama with 65.8%. The mature population carries out the purchase of the medications in the ambulatory market and with more prevalence Nina's inhabitants carried out it Rumi with 49.1%; The medication that the residents of Llanchama acquired was the dolocordralan NF pill with 28.0% and the one diagnoses but recurrent it was pain in general with 40.0% in this center town. The self-medication that the inhabitants of the 4 rural centers carried out, was with adult it prevailed those that has grade of primary instruction, standing out in Llanchama with 47.4% same .Asi a bigger self-medication it prevailed people with economic level under, being considered bigger in Port Almonds and Llanchama with 52.6% and people that he/she has a married state as Cohabiting, carried out bigger self-medication and they were the residents of Port Almonds and Llanchama respectively with 57.9%. One carries out a bigger self-medication in Port Almonds and it was of the feminine sex with 36.8% and in LLanchama of the masculine sex with 36.8%; The predominant age of the 4 rural centers went from 50 to 59 years with an average of 35.05% in the towns of Zungarococha, Nina Rumi and Llanchama. Conclusions. A high self-medication exists in mature people in the four rural centers, with an average of 60.03%, but with more proportion the residents of Llanchama with 65.8% and in the illness that but they had self-medication it was the pain in general with 40.0% in this population and the acquisition they carried out it in an ambulatory market with 49.1% Nina's residents Rumi. The medication that but you automedicaron was the dolocordralan NF pill with 28.0% and the residents of Llanchama acquired it.en_US
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruanaes_PE
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.sourceUniversidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruanaes_PE
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional - UNAPes_PE
dc.subjectZonas ruraleses_PE
dc.titleFactores que influyen en la automedicación en adultos de cuatro centros poblados de la cuenca media del río Nanay- distrito de San Juan Bautista - 2010es_PE
dc.typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesises_PE y Bioquímicaes_PE Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímicaes_PE Profesionales_PEímico Farmacéuticoes_PE

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