Estado nutricional y consumo proteico como factor predictor de la sarcopenia en adultos mayores del centro de atención “San Francisco de Asís”, Loreto 2024
The present study is focused on determining whether nutritional status and protein intake are predictive factors of sarcopenia in older adults at the "San Francisco de Asis" Care Center. Loreto 2024. Method: Analytical, observational, cross-sectional study. The sample included 40 older adults from the "San Francisco de Asis" Nursing Home. Results: 82.5% (n = 33) of the participants were thin according to the Body Mass Index (BMI), 45% (n = 18) were malnourished according to the Mid-Arm Circumference (MAC), and 90% (n = 36) were malnourished according to the Mid-Calf Circumference (MCC). 70% (n = 20) showed adequate protein intake. When evaluating the risk of Sarcopenia according to the SARC-F screening, 50% (n = 20) of the participants presented High Risk of Sarcopenia, similarly the other 50% (n = 20) of the participants were found to have Low Risk of Sarcopenia. A significant negative correlation was found between the mid-calf circumference (MCC) and the risk of sarcopenia (r = -0.528, p < 0.001). A higher mid-arm circumference (MAC) was negatively correlated with the risk of sarcopenia (r = -0.341, p = 0.031). Mid-arm circumference (MAC) (B = 1.638, p = 0.043) and mid-calf circumference (MCC) (B = -0.723, p = 0.010) were found to be predictive factors of sarcopenia risk. Conclusions: A significant correlation was found between mid-calf circumference (MCC) and the risk of sarcopenia (r=-0.528, p<0.001). A higher mid-arm circumference (MAC) was negatively correlated with the risk of sarcopenia (r = -0.341, p = 0.031). Mid-arm circumference (MAC) (B = 1.638, p = 0.043) and mid-calf circumference (MCC) (B = -0.723, p = 0.010) were found to be predictive factors of sarcopenia risk. Conclusions: A significant correlation was found between mid-calf circumference (MCC) and the risk of sarcopenia (r=-0.528, p<0.001). This indicates that the higher the MCC, the lower the risk of sarcopenia. On the other hand, a higher mid-arm circumference (MAC) was correlated with the risk of sarcopenia (r=-0.341, p=0.031). El presente estudio, está enfocado en determinar si el estado nutricional y el consumo proteico son factores predictores de sarcopenia en adultos mayores del Centro de Atención “San Francisco de Asis”. Loreto 2024. Método: Estudio analítico, observacional, transversal. La muestra incluyo a 40 adultos mayores del Asilo de ancianos “San Francisco de Asis”. Resultados: el 82,5% (n=33) de los participantes presentaron delgadez según el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), el 45% (n=18) desnutrición según la Circunferencia Media del Brazo (CMB) y el 90% (n=36) desnutrición según la Circunferencia Media de la Pantorrilla (CMP). El 70%(n=20) exhibieron un consumo proteico adecuado. Al evaluar el riesgo de Sarcopenia según el tamizaje SARC-F el 50% (n=20) de los participantes presento Riesgo Alto de Sarcopenia, del mismo modo el otro 50%(n=20) de los participantes resultaron con Riesgo Bajo de Sarcopenia. Se encontró una correlación negativa significativa entre la circunferencia media de pantorrilla (CMP) y el riesgo de sarcopenia (r=-0.528, p<0.001). Una mayor circunferencia media del brazo (CMB) se correlacionó negativamente con el riesgo de sarcopenia (r=-0.341, p=0.031). La Circunferencia media de Brazo (CMB) (B=1.638, p=0.043) y la Circunferencia media de pantorrillas (CMP) (B= 0.723, p=0.010) resultaron siendo factores predictores de Riesgo de sarcopenia. Conclusiones: Se encontró una correlación significativa entre la circunferencia media de pantorrilla (CMP) y el riesgo de sarcopenia (r=-0.528, p<0.001). Esto indica que, a mayor CMP, menor es el riesgo de presentar sarcopenia. Por otro lado, una mayor circunferencia media del brazo (CMB) se correlacionó con el riesgo de sarcopenia (r=-0.341, p=0.031).
- Tesis [182]