Recent Submissions
Nivel de conocimiento en tributación y evasión de impuestos en los comerciantes del mercado central de la ciudad de Iquitos periodo 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)This study is focused on tax knowledge and tax evasion, developed with a quantitative methodology and correlation level and non-experimental design, including 120 merchants as the study population, with the main objective ... -
Evaluación de la educación financiera en microempresas del mercado Belén, Loreto; una encuesta entre propietarios y contadores, periodo 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The objective of this study, "Evaluation of Education and Financial Management in Microenterprises in the Belén Market, Loreto: A Survey among Owners and Accountants, 2024", was to determine the level of financial education ... -
Gestión financiera y su relación con la gestión comercial en empresas mayoristas de la ciudad de Iquitos año 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, organizations, companies, and businesses must effectively manage their operations and stay up-to-date with tax obligations and commercial competition. This necessitates ... -
Factores determinantes de la informalidad y su efecto en las utilidades de los comerciantes del pasaje paquito Iquitos año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present research aimed to determine the relationship between the factors of informality and the profits of the merchants of Pasaje Paquito, Iquitos in the year 2022. For this, an applied methodology and non-experimental ... -
Gestión comercial y su relación con la satisfacción del cliente interno en colaboradores de Comercializadora San Juan S.A.C año 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present research, titled Commercial Management and Internal Customer Satisfaction among Employees of Comercializadora San Juan S.A.C. 2024, aimed to identify the relationship between commercial management and internal ... -
Desarrollo de prácticas pre profesionales y su relación con la formación complementaria en estudiantes de contabilidad año 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present research addresses the development of pre-professional practices and its relationship with complementary training in accounting students at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon during 2024, arising ... -
Asignación de recursos públicos por categoría de rubro y su relación con el gasto público en la Municipalidad Distrital de Belén, periodo 2019 – 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)Municipalities, as public sector entities at the local government level, have the duty and responsibility to ensure the well-being and development of the population in their jurisdiction, and to do so, the allocation of ... -
Ingresos tributarios internos y su relación con la asignación presupuestal en el ámbito geográfico de la región Loreto periodo 2021 – 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)Fiscal revenue and budget allocation are crucial aspects of fiscal policy and state management. In this sense, it is important to address the behavior of both aspects in order to conduct analyses that contribute to their ... -
La corrupción en el Perú y su relación con la buena pro de los proyectos públicos durante el periodo 2011 – 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)This research analyzes the relationship between corruption and the management of public resources in Peru, specifically in the awarding of the good and its impact on public investment and current spending during the period ... -
Conciencia tributaria y pago de arbitrios en los comerciantes del mercado Cardozo del Distrito de San Juan, año 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between tax awareness and the payment of excise taxes among the merchants of the Cardozo Market in the district of San Juan, year 2023. Then, the research ... -
La recaudación de impuestos municipales y el desarrollo sostenible del Distrito de Contamana, 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The objective of this report was to determine the relationship between the collection of municipal taxes and the sustainable development of the district of Contamana, 2023, where an applied type study, descriptive-correlational ... -
El control interno y la gestión inmobiliaria en la Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The different postulates used maintain that internal control is in constant innovation and that is why it leads us to make transcendental and eloquent decisions, unless the decision levels are high hierarchy. The current ... -
Relación entre el empleo y la afiliación al fondo de pensiones en Loreto en el periodo 2019 – 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The pension fund is a system that manages the contributions of workers throughout their working life, to ensure a regular income during retirement and maintain a decent standard of living, covering basic needs. In this ... -
El control interno y fortalecimiento de las capacidades en el programa nacional de infraestructura educativa, unidad de gestión educativa local Ucayali, Contamana 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between internal control and capacity building in the PRONIED, UGEL of Ucayali, Contamana 2023. The study was developed within an applied research ... -
El área de logística en la Municipalidad Distrital de Maquia, periodo- 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)We have a favorable opinion in our research on the logistics area of the District Municipality of Maquia, that is good, because this office is very important for the support and fluidity of all the requirements that enter ... -
Normas internacionales de información financiera y su relación con el comportamiento ético en el proceso contable en contadores Iquitos año 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)IFRS and ethical behavior in accounting seek to standardize the global presentation of adequate financial information and promote transparent decisions in the accounting field, the challenges include the adaptation of ... -
Efecto de los créditos financieros en el nivel de empleo del Departamento de Loreto 2017-2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present research is quantitative, causal level and non-experimental design with longitudinal data. The study population was considered to be the monthly statistical records of financial credits and the level of employment ... -
Factores que limitan la correcta rendición de viáticos en los trabajadores de la red asistencial de Loreto EsSalud periodo 2021 – 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In health centers, the accountability of travel expenses is crucial to ensure transparency and efficiency in the use of funds managed by FONAFE. Proper documentation is essential to prevent irregularities. Therefore, this ... -
Gestión de tesorería en el Hospital Apoyo Iquitos, periodo 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The objective of this research was to determine Evaluate how treasury management was carried out at the Apoyo Iquitos Hospital, period 2022, with a type of quantitative research of non-experimental design and type of cross ... -
Conocimiento logístico y su relación con el desempeño laboral del personal de la empresa AF Boullosa de Iquitos, periodo 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)Logistical knowledge is essential for personnel who work in those areas where it is necessary to carry out activities (planning, storing and distributing) related to the acquisition of goods and/or products (merchandise) ...