Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Forestal: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 530
Evaluación de los forófitos de Vanilla odorata y Vanilla guianensis (Orchidaceae). en el complejo turístico Quistococha 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The study identified and evaluated the phorophytes associated with Vanilla odorata and Vanilla guianensis in the Quistococha Tourist Complex. Twelve phorophyte species were identified, including Amanoa guianensis, Ficus ... -
Determinar la estructura horizontal de las especies comerciales del bosque de colina baja de la Comunidad Nativa Nueva Esperanza del Mirin, Distrito del Yavarí - Loreto Perú. 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In the study carried out, low hill forest of the native community “Nueva Esperanza del Mirín, Yavarí District - Loreto Peru. Its floristic composition was a total of 1694 trees, 21 commercial forest species and 12 botanical ... -
Plan de negocios de la comercialización de carbón vegetal para su posicionamiento en el Distrito de Iquitos – Maynas – Loreto – 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present study was carried out in metropolitan Iquitos, with people who are dedicated to the commercialization of charcoal, with the purpose of developing a business plan for the commercialization of charcoal, to position ... -
Crecimiento de las plantas de Cedrelinga cateniformis Ducke con fertilización foliar en plantación. Puerto Almendra, Loreto, Peru-2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The thesis was carried out in a CIEFOR Puerto Almendra - FCF - UNAP plantation, San Juan Bautista, Maynas, Loreto, Peru. The objective was to determine if the growth of Cedrelinga cateniformis Ducke “tornillo” plants varies ... -
Determinación de biomasa mediante una ecuación alométrica para altura total en bosque de colina baja, distritos de Mazán Y Napo, Loreto, Perú. 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)An allometric formula was used to calculate biomass, aimed at estimating total tree height in a low hill forest in the consolidated contracts Tacsha 01 - 16-IQU/C-J-170- 04, 16-IQU/C-J-217-04, 16-IQU/C-J-243-04, ... -
Asociación entre altura, diámetro y amplitud de copa en plantas de calycophyllum spruceanum “capirona” en una plantación, Puerto Almendra, Loreto, Perú, 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The general objective of the study was to determine the association between the variables diameter & total height; diameter & crown width and crown width & total height in the growth of Calycophyllum spruceanum “capirona” ... -
Comportamiento silvicultural de semillas de la especie quinilla (manilkara bidentata) en el bosque tropical de Puerto Almendra. San Juan, Maynas, Loreto, 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present study has been developed in the tropical forest of Puerto Almendra of the Faculty of Forestry Sciences, of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, with the purpose of knowing the silvicultural behavior ... -
Caracterización socio económica del comercio de madera redonda utilizada en la construción civil en la ciudad de Iquitos – Loreto – 2024
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)This study has been developed in metropolitan Iquitos, with the aim of determining the socio-economic conditions in which the commercialization of round wood used in civil construction in the city of Iquitos takes place. ... -
Relación de la estructura diamétrica y abundancia en bosque de colina baja, distrito de Balsapuerto, Loreto, Perú. 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The relationship between diameter structure and abundance was examined in the low hill forest of the district of Balsapuerto, Loreto, Peru. During the study, seven species belonging to four different botanical families ... -
Relación del diámetro con altura total y comercial de un bosque de colina baja, distrito de Maquia, Loreto, 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In the district of Maquia, Loreto, an evaluation of the relationship between diameter at breast height (DBH) and total and commercial height was carried out in a low hill forest. The information used came from the forest ... -
Estructura horizontal de especies comerciales del bosque de colina baja de la Comunidad Nativa Nuevo San Pablo, Quebrada Sinuya – distrito de Contamana – Loreto Perú. 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The work was carried out in the low hill forest of the native community “Nuevo San Pablo, Quebrada Sinuya - District of Contamana -Loreto, Peru. In PC 1, a total of 459 trees, 18 commercial forest species and 12 botanical ... -
Otorgamiento de permisos de aprovechamiento forestal en bosques locales en la Región Loreto – Perú
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2014)The experience was developed in the Regional Program for the Management of Forest and Wildlife Resources (PRMRFFS) that is part of the Regional Government of Loreto, as a technical, regulatory, and decentralized body, ... -
Estructura, composición y valoración económica del bosque de terraza baja de la Comunidad Nativa Nuevo Horizonte – Rio Tigrillo, Loreto – Perú 2017
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The study was conducted in the low terrace forest of the New Horizon Native Community with the aim of determining the structure, composition, and economic valuation of the low terrace forest in the New Horizon Native ... -
Comportamiento de la regeneración natural de la especie Vatairea guianensis aublet (MARI MARI) del bosque del CIEFOR Puerto Almendra – San Juan – Loreto – Perú – 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present study has been developed in the nursery of the Faculty of Forestry Sciences in Puerto Almendra, of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, with the purpose of determining the behavior of natural ... -
Diagnóstico socio económico ambiental de la Comunidad Nativa Copal Urco, distrito del Napo, Maynas, Loreto, 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present study has been developed in the native community of Copal Urco, Loreto region, with the purpose of determining the current state of the socioeconomic activities of the village. From the results obtained, they ... -
Caracterización y análisis de los sistemas de medición que se usan en actividad forestal para la comercialización de maderas en troza y aserrada en la región Loreto – 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present study was carried out in Loreto Region, with the purpose of characterizing and analyzing these measurement systems that are used in forestry activity for the commercialization of wood in its different ways. ... -
Dinámica de crecimiento de biomasa aérea y aporte en servicios ambientales de especies forestales en plantaciones Puerto Almendra, Loreto-Perú, 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The study was carried out in the plantations of Cedrelinga cateniformis (Ducke) “tornillo” and Simarouba amara (Aublet) “marupa” of different ages located in the Forest Research and Teaching Center-Puerto Almendra of the ... -
Determinar la estructura horizontal del bosque de terraza baja de la Comunidad Nativa Nuevo Trujillo. Distrito del Maquía, Rio Ucayali. Loreto – Perú. 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In the study carried out in PC1, the low terrace forest of the Nuevo Trujillo native community. Maquía District, Ucayali River. Loreto – Peru. A total of 292 trees were recorded, grouped into 06 commercial forest species ... -
Estado actual de comercialización de madera aserrada y valor agregado, en depósitos ubicados en el área metropolitana de la ciudad de Iquitos – 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The present study was carried out in the Wood and value-added warehouses established in the metropolitan city of Iquitos, with the purpose of knowing the current state of the warehouses that sell sawn wood and value-added ... -
Evaluación del crecimiento, sobrevivencia y calidad de una plantación de Hevea brasiliensis “shiringa” del CIEFOR – Puerto Almendra, Loreto – Perú. 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The study was carried out in Forest Plot No. 31 of 1 hectare in CIEFOR - Puerto Almendra, 102 Hevea brasiliensis plants were evaluated. The objective of the study was to determine the increase in diameter and height, the ...