Maestrias: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 818
Factores relacionados al abandono del dispositivo intrauterino en mujeres de instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud de San Juan Iquitos 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The objective was to determine the relationship between socioculturalobstetric factors and abandonment of the IUD in women treated at Health Services Provider Institutions San Juan Iquitos, 2021. Quantitative study, ... -
Prisión preventiva y la relación con el derecho de presunción de inocencia en el distrito judicial de Loreto 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The purpose of the research study was to learn about the existence or not of a relationship that could exist between preventive detention and the constitutional principle of innocence as a presumption that all defendants ... -
Gestión municipal y presupuesto por resultados en la Municipalidad Distrital de Punchana 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The general objective of the present, Municipal Management and Budget for Results, was to know if the municipal management and the budget are related. The study was of a basic-non-experimental nature and involved a sample ... -
Gestión operativa y su relación con el logro de metas en la sub gerencia de logística de la Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas año 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The development of the study was focused on determining the relationship between operational management and the achievement of goals of the Logistics Sub-Management in the Provincial Municipality of Maynas, year 2019. Which ... -
Relación entre los hogares con acceso a internet y la actividad económica de telecomunicaciones y otros servicios de información de Loreto periodo 2017 – 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The internet has become a mandatory tool in the population's different activities, reducing distances, bringing people closer together and expanding markets, but not all regions of the country have good service. The objective ... -
La responsabilidad social e imagen institucional de la Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas – Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The general purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between social responsibility and institutional image of the Provincial Municipality of Maynas – Iquitos 2022, the research was applied type, the design ... -
Relación de la ejecución presupuestaria y el reconocimiento a la ejecución de inversiones en la Municipalidad de Trompeteros 2019 – 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The municipalities in the department of Loreto, at the end of the 2019 fiscal year, 35 of the 53 municipalities met the goals established by the Recognition of Investment Execution (REI); At the end of 2020, 29 of the 53 ... -
Elaboración y uso de briquetas de cáscara de coco (cocos nucifera l) más papel reciclado como fuente energética en Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The study was executed in the Project of species forager in the I am founded agronomic, with the objective of preparing briquettes with coconut shell more residual papers, the population was formed by 16 briquettes, the ... -
Análisis del uso y conservación de biomasa leñosa como energía doméstica en la comunidad de Manacamiri Río Nanay Punchana 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The work was developed in the community of Manacamiri located on the left bank of the Nanay River near the city of Iquitos, during the year 2021, the data recording was done through the application of surveys and in situ ... -
Mezcla promocional e imagen corporativa de la empresa Atlantic International Sud América Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)Iquitos; which opted for the type of study applied, descriptive - correlational level, with a non-experimental design, included 60 merchants as a study population, for the collection of information, the survey was used as ... -
El desempeño docente en el logro de competencias en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química en la Universidad Nacional De La Amazonía Peruana Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The research aimed to explain the influence of teaching performance on the achievement of competencies in students of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon in Iquitos 2022. ... -
Calidad en el servicio y satisfacción del cliente del supermercado Los Portales de la Ciudad de Iquitos – 2020
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The research problem posed for this thesis: What is the relationship between the quality of service and customer satisfaction in the Los Portales supermarket in the city of Iquitos 2020? At the same time, its objective ... -
Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la Escuela de Postgrado Unap-2018
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The work was developed in the School of Graduate degree with the purpose of implementing a system of administration of security and health in the work, the study population conformed it all the people that work in the ... -
Índices parasitarios en Brochis splendens “green cat” (siluriformes) criados en cautiverio a diferentes temperaturas y tres densidades de cultivo Iquitos Loreto 2020
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The present study determined the parasite indices in Brochis splendens "Green Cat" subjected to different temperatures and three culture densities. The fish were collected from artisanal collection centers near the Nanay ... -
La producción agrícola y las exportaciones agroindustriales de la Región Loreto periodo 2015 – 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The Loreto region produces a series of agricultural products with unique properties and that is demanded by the international market, being a limitation the reduced exportable offer that it presents. The objective of this ... -
La población ocupada y el empleo informal en el Perú durante el periodo 2017 - 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The employed population in Peru is made up of workers who work in the formal and informal sectors, the latter being the most difficult to control. The employed population is measured through the Economically Active Employed ... -
El producto bruto interno y la tributación interna en los departamentos de la Amazonía Peruana 2008-2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In 1998, the Peruvian Congress approved the "Law to Promote Investment in the Amazon Region", with the intention of stimulating the sustainable and comprehensive development of the departments of the Peruvian Amazon by ... -
Rol de la mujer en la pesca ornamental en la cuenca alta media y baja del río Nanay Loreto Perú
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)From October 2022 to February 2023, socio-economic information was obtained from the ornamental fishermen's associations of the Nanay river basin, department of Loreto, Peru. The objective of this study was to know the ... -
Los instrumentos de gestión y su influencia en la calidad de la gestión educativa en las instituciones educativas secundarias de la zona urbana de Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)Results are presented in relation to the research that was formulated as a research question: How do Management Instruments influence the Quality of Educational Management of Secondary Educational Institutions in the urban ... -
Análisis de las estrategias empresariales del sector panificador en la ciudad de Iquitos, periodo 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2021)The purpose of the research was to study the business strategies applied by the bakery sector in the city of Iquitos. The general problem is, How competitive are the business strategies of the bakery sector in the City of ...