Tesis: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 310
Responsabilidad social empresarial y gestión administrativa - operativa en la empresa turística Aqua Expeditions S.A.C. año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The central objective of the study was to analyze corporate social responsibility and administrative-operative management in the tourist company Aqua Expeditions S.A.C. – 2022, for this the variables were analyzed separately ... -
El sistema logístico como una herramienta en la gestión administrativa de la empresa comercializadora San Juan SAC, periodo 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The logistics system, as well as the administrative management, represent the set of actions that companies use to continue with the normal functioning of the operational activities that they develop in a certain period, ... -
La cultura tributaria en estudiantes del sexto ciclo de la carrera profesional de contabilidad del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Pedro A. Del Águila Hidalgo, 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The present research work entitled "Tax Culture in Students of the Sixth Cycle of the Professional Accounting Career of the "Instituto Superior Tecnológico Pedro A. del Águila Hidalgo, 2021" was carried out with the objective ... -
Nivel de conocimiento tributario y formalización de los pequeños empresarios de aserrío de la ciudad de Contamana año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The research aimed to determine the relationship between the level of tax knowledge and formalization of small sawmill entrepreneurs in the city of Contamana year 2022, which was inclined to a study of applied type, ... -
Análisis de las cuentas por cobrar comerciales terceros en la empresa Comercializadora San Juan SAC, periodo 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)Third-party trade accounts receivable constitute a very valuable asset for any company, since its convertibility into cash generates the availability of the necessary liquidity to be able to fulfill and attend to the ... -
Gestión de tesorería y eficiencia de la ejecución presupuestal en la Municipalidad Distrital de Capelo, 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of my research is to establish how Treasury management is related to the budget execution of the District Municipality of Capelo, 2023. This research is quantitative. The most important result and that over ... -
Aplicación de un sistema contable y su relación con la rentabilidad de las pequeñas empresas del distrito de Iquitos durante el periodo 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)This research examined the relationship between the application of an accounting system and the profitability of small companies in the district of Iquitos during the 2021 period. The results revealed a significant positive ... -
Control interno y la gestión administrativa de la Municipalidad Distrital de Punchana de la región Loreto, periodo 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The research deals with internal control and administrative management, likewise, the research is of a quantitative, descriptive and correlational type, elaborated through a non-experimental design, for which its main ... -
Relación entre el control interno y la gestión de los inventarios en las empresas ferreteras de la ciudad de Iquitos durante el periodo 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The internal control system is important in companies, especially small and medium-sized companies, because it helps to improve quality, improve processes and reduce development costs. Small businesses must organize to ... -
Planificación financiera y desarrollo organizacional en la empresa Representaciones López EIRL Iquitos año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of this report was to determine the relationship between financial planning and organizational development in the company Representaciones López EIRL, Iquitos, year 2022; being descriptive correlational with ... -
Contrataciones con el estado y su influencia en la rentabilidad de la empresa Service Amazon del Oriente SRL, Iquitos periodo 2020
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)In the present research work, the general objective was to determine the influence of contracting with the state on the profitability of the company Service Amazon del Oriente SRL, Iquitos period 2020, the research was ... -
Eficiencia del sistema de emisión electrónica y el cumplimiento de obligaciones tributarias en las mypes de Iquitos año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of this investigation was to determine the relationship between the efficiency of the electronic issuance system and compliance with tax obligations in the MYPES of Iquitos in the year 2022; I chose to be an ... -
Caracterización del acceso al empleo y gastos familiares en pobladores del pueblo joven Vargas Guerra ciudad de Iquitos año 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)Access to employment represented in the generation of resources for families linked to the characterization of expenses is an aspect that is studied in general, but it is not focused by geographical sectors with the purpose ... -
Ingresos y evasión tributaria de los comerciantes de la casona del mercado de Belén año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of the investigation was oriented to identify the characteristics of the income in a commercial conglomerate considering aspects such as the amount, control, registration, declaration and use of means of ... -
Análisis financieros y su influencia toma de decisiones gerenciales de la constructora Celso, año 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The purpose of this study was to determine how financial analysis affected the managerial choices made within the organization of Constructora Celso, in 2022, carrying out a descriptive study with a non-experimental design ... -
Gestión financiera y la toma de decisiones gerenciales en la empresa comercializadora San Juan SAC, periodo 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)Financial management are all those actions that the company develops in relation to the administration and control of its financial resources, and in which way they can be used appropriately for the fulfillment of the ... -
Conocimientos tributarios en estudiantes del 5° año de secundaria en colegios emblemáticos de la ciudad de Iquitos – período 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The present investigation entitled Tax Knowledge in Students of the 5th Year of Secondary Education in Emblematic Schools of the City of Iquitos - Period 2021, had as objective to determine the level of tax knowledge in ... -
La gestión de tesorería y su relación con los pagos a proveedores de la unidad ejecutora de Ucayali - Contamana, año 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between treasury management and payments to suppliers of the Executive Unit of Ucayali-Contamana, year 2023. The research methodology comprised a basic type, ... -
Acceso a créditos comerciales y la gestión financiera de las mypes de la ciudad de Requena, periodo 2023
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of this thesis report was to determine the relationship between access to commercial credits and the financial management of the MSEs of the city of Requena, period 2023, in which the type study applied with ... -
Gestión de ingresos y ejecución de gastos de la APAFA en la IEP San Suan Bautista de la Salle, periodo 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the management of income and the execution of expenses of the APAFA in the Secondary Educational Institution for Minors San Juan Bautista de la Salle, ...