Recent Submissions
Valoración económica del carbono almacenado en la biomasa aérea de Cedrelinga Cateniformis de la concesión forestal Hydra Consulting distrito de Pebas Loreto 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2025)The study "Economic Valuation of Carbon Stored in the Aboveground Biomass of Cedrelinga cateniformis in the Hydra Consulting Forest Concession, Pebas District, Loreto, 2022" was conducted in the Hydra Consulting Forest ... -
Potencial, conservación y uso de los recursos naturales de flora en la comunidad de Llanchama Distrito de San Juan Bautista 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The work was executed in the Community of LLanchama, the purpose was to evaluate the sostenibilidad and flora use, the study was experimental and traverse, for the focus type it was quantitative, the population conformed ... -
Nivel de conocimiento en manejo de residuos sólidos y actitudes hacia la conservación ambiental en vendedoras de pescado de la asociación de pescadores artesanales de Requena 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)En this research aimed to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge in solid waste management and the attitude towards environmental conservation among female fish vendors of the Artisanal Fishermen's ... -
Nivel de conciencia ambiental y su relación con el manejo de residuos sólidos de los pobladores de la ciudad de Requena 2020
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The investigation was implemented in the town of Requena the objective it was to evaluate the degree of conscience in the disposition of the domiciliary waste, the pattern qualitative correlacional was applied and traverse, ... -
Percepción sobre los residuos sólidos y su relación con el bienestar en pobladores del Asentamiento Humano Silfo Alván de Villa Punchana 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)In this research work, we seek to understand the connection between the perception of solid waste and the social well-being of the residents of the AAHH Silfo Alván in the district of Punchana, Maynas, in the year 2021. ... -
Efecto en el ambiente y salud de la población de Iquitos por trabajos de alcantarillado de empresa China CWE 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The work was developed in Iquitos, with the purpose of determining the existent association between the effect in the atmosphere and the population's health, generated during the works carried out by company China-CWE, ... -
Emisiones de contaminantes primarios de Electro-Oriente y su efecto en la salud ambiental de los moradores de la zona Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The objective of this research work was to determine the amount of primary pollutants emitted by the Iquitos thermal plant and relate it directly to the environmental health of the residents of the Electro Oriente environment; ... -
Elaboración y uso de briquetas de cáscara de coco (cocos nucifera l) más papel reciclado como fuente energética en Iquitos 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The study was executed in the Project of species forager in the I am founded agronomic, with the objective of preparing briquettes with coconut shell more residual papers, the population was formed by 16 briquettes, the ... -
La educación ambiental y conciencia ambiental en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana UNAP 2022
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2024)The reason behind conducting this research was to assess the relationship between environmental education and environmental awareness variables in first and fifth-level students of the Environmental Management Engineering ... -
Gestión de áreas de conservación regional en bienestar socioeconómico y ambiental en comunidades asentadas en zona de influencia Loreto 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The present investigation had as general objective to characterize the management of the Regional Conservation Areas and its incidence in the socioeconomic and environmental well-being in the communities settled in the ... -
Cultura ambiental y su relación con el incremento de la generación de residuos sólidos en el Puerto Garcilazo Yurimaguas Loreto 2018
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)The present investigation work was developed in the city of Yurimaguas in the Port Garcilazo, the objective was to determine the relationship between the environmental culture of the residents and its effect in the increment ... -
Relación del ruido urbano y el insomnio en adultos de la avenida Participación Iquitos 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2023)Urban noise is one of the most detrimental factors for public health in our city of Iquitos, for this reason we have the purpose of determining the relationship between urban noise and insomnia in adults of the Avenida ... -
Efectos de acolchado térmico y abonos orgánicos en rendimiento de Brassica campestris L. (col china) var. Jade Crown en Zungarococha-Iquitos-2018
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The present investigation work was developed in the facilities of the Project of Teaching and Investigation Garden Agrostologico, located in the Km. 5,800 highway Iquitos-Nauta, between the towns of Zungarococha and Port ... -
Calidad biológica del agua en un sistema de cultivo de peces de consumo utilizando macroinvertebrados acuáticos, San Martín-Perú, 2018
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The water in the ponds and drainage of a fish farming system constantly receives nutrients from organic fertilization, unconsumed food and fish excreta, which can generate changes in the biological quality of the water. ... -
Evaluación hacia un plan de gestión de residuos sólidos domiciliarios en el distrito de Indiana provincia de Maynas 2019
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The present work was developed in the District of Indiana, county Maynas; department Loreto whose coordinates are 3º30`02 `` S 73º03`28 ``, the objective was to carry out the evaluation of the domiciliary solid residuals ... -
Fertilización bioorgánica y su efecto en la macro fauna de un bosque primario secundario y arenoso Zungarococha, Iquitos 2021
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The study was carried out in the Ability of Agronomy, located in the town of Zungarococha, to 5,800 km (Highway Iquitos-Nauta), with the conocer objective the effect of the fertilization bioorganica in the macro fauna of ... -
Comparativo de cumplimiento de normas de ecoeficiencia en las municipalidades distritales de Belén y San Juan Bautista, provincia de Maynas. 2020
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2022)The general objective of this research work was to determine the degree of compliance with the eco-efficiency regulations with the administrative staff of the district municipalities of Belén and San Juan in 2020. The ... -
Reforestación y su relación con la presencia de enfermedades endémicas en la ciudad de Iquitos, 2016
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2021)The purpose of this research was to evaluate the deforestation variable in Iquitos city between 2000-2016; Evaluate the report of the Number of cases presented by endemic diseases such as Malaria Vivax and Malaria Falciparum ... -
Edad de corte y su efecto en el rendimiento de grano y captura de carbono del Coix lacryma-jobi en el fundo Zungarococha Iquitos 2020
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2021)The present experimental rehearsal was developed in the lands of the I Found Zúngarococha (Shop of Teaching and Investigation Garden Agrostológico); belonging to the Ability of Agronomy-UNAP, located in the village from ...